cat talking

Do you understand your cat talking? What does it mean?

Many a cat owner has wished for a special tool for interpreting what a cat is saying to them. A particular intrigue is when a cat says absolutely nothing but opens its mouth and look at you as if to say, “Do you get what I mean?”

Cats seem to have no problem at all talking with each other as any multiple cat owner will tell you. Cat communication can be heard and understood by other cats and by humans if we only take the time to observe their behavior and the different sounds that they make.

Cat behavior in a cat talking will make a meow and depending on the pitch it can be an attention getting statement or one of inquiry. It may also just be a way to carry on a conversation with anyone who cares to listen to him.

A low-pitched rumbling growl is a warning to all who will heed it. It means that he perceives immediate danger, so beware!  Do you understand your cat talking yet?

A cat making a “warbling” sound is displaying affection.

A trill coming from a cat is usually one the mom cat makes to call her kittens.

A low-pitched meow, howl or purring can signal pain, discomfort or that the cat is stressed out or in fear of something.

We have all heard the constant purring that a cat is known for and this is a way for the cat to let you know that he is comfortable, happy and feeling secure. With that said, there is a purring that can mean something entirely different it is the tone of purring that you need to pay attention to, because if it is low it can also signal that the cat is in pain or feeling uncomfortable.  Better understand your cat talking, now?

When a cat howls the different pitches of howling can mean that the cat is feeling sad, is in pain, is extremely fearful or is stressed.

cat communicating

The silent meow is a cat’s way to show gratitude or affection and is an honor to have a cat speak in this manner to you. Usually the body posture when the cat gives the silent meow is to have the eyes narrowed, the ears upright and pointed and the body relaxed. The mouth will be slightly open but of course no sound will come out.

Your cats desire to communicate with you should be rewarded with plenty of neck scratching and praise. Playing with your cat in a non-aggressive manner shows your cat that you appreciate the companionship your cat gives you.

The majority of the cat’s ability to communicate is through non-verbal methods. A cat has a unique way of communicating with other cats and with humans. When trying to understand your cat’s communication efforts it is important to observe the body posture, in particular the ears.

Getting a clearer picture?  Understand your cat talking in a better sense?

A cat has four very specific postures that he uses to show what he wants or does not want.

A cat can easily be over-stimulated if you pet him too long.

A cat will usually bite the hand that is over-stimulating him BUT he will warn the human first. The human must be able to understand the warning in order to heed it.

The cat’s tail will begin to twitch; the ears will turn back or may flick back and forth. This is the cat’s way of saying: “you are over stimulating me with all that petting, please stop, now! If you don’t stop I will bite your hand to make you stop!”

Humans need to remember that cats are predators and attacking is instinctive to them. The bite is a response to be stressed out by your petting.

A cat that is content and wishes to be left alone will sit or lie with the tail curled around its body, and paws tucked beneath him. A cat that looks like this is signaling other cats and all humans to stay away; I am very content to be as I am.

A cat that is fearful will crouch, and may roll slightly to the side. The tail is tucked in or it may be flattened against the body, and also the ears are back. Leave a cat alone that has this posture and remove anything that may be making the cat fearful (small child, dog, noisy object).

understand your cat talking
